Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stef vs. The English Language

Stef: “How do you even say ‘rural’?”

Me: “ “Roo-rall” “

Stef: “ “Rowl-rall” “

Me: “No, “roo-rall” “

Stef: “ “Rowl-rall” “

This continues for a few minutes…Stef now has found a website that will have a man’s voice pronounce the word properly for her to hear

Website: “ “Roo-rall” “

Stef: “ “Roar-all” “

Website: “ “Roo-rall” “

Stef: “ “Rooooar-all” “

Website: “ “Roo-rall” “

Stef: “ “Roo-raaaall”

Continue for a few minutes followed by her moving on to trying practice sentences using the word rural.

Me: laughing

Stef: “SHUT UP.  At least I work on my imperfections.”

Thursday, January 2, 2014